Project Roadmap

Manual Content Upload

A significant portion of the content you intend to populate on your intranet is likely to require manual uploading. This process can be customized according to your budgetary constraints, and SMLWRLD offers a flexible range of options to assist you in this endeavor. Depending on your preferences and requirements, our services can encompass any combination of content transfer and upload tasks, from handling the entire process to assisting with specific segments.

For instance, as a practical example, we can initiate the upload process by populating one of your business-critical sections with content, effectively creating a template. This initial section serves as a model, providing valuable guidance for local teams responsible for uploading their remaining content. By adopting this approach, your teams can leverage our expertise and experience to ensure a seamless and efficient transition of content onto the intranet, while also empowering them to take ownership of the ongoing content management process. This collaborative strategy allows for a gradual transfer of responsibilities, ultimately optimising the intranet's functionality and ensuring a smooth transition to the new platform.