Project Roadmap

Analyse & Plan

In this phase, the scope of the project is defined and a project plan is developed. This involves determining the approach for project execution and asking the following questions:

  • What specific tasks will be carried out?
  • How will these tasks be executed?
  • When will each task take place?
  • How will we determine when the project is completed?

In addition, all goals defined should be S.M.A.R.T (Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely)and C.L.E.A.R (Collaborative, Limited, Emotional Appreciable, Refineable).

This phase results in a comprehensive project plan that outlines activities, tasks, interdependencies, timelines, and associated costs. Furthermore, the following may also be included in the project plan, or documented separately.

  • Work Breakdown Structure
  • Quality Assurance
  • Risk Management
  • Acceptance Criteria
  • Communication strategies

The end of this phase should provide all project members with a clear and defined roadmap to execute a successful project.

The subsequent activities can be carried out to assist in this process.


Workshops are integral to successful projects. They assemble key stakeholders at one place, at one time, to maximize time and effort. It ensures that there is a collective agreement on the projects goals and objectives and enahnces communication between the stakeholders.

During workshops, the project team may:

  • Generate and align on ideas
  • Prioritise key organisational tasks
  • Identify functionalities and features for custom developments
  • Present findings from audits and user research

Visit  Workshops for more information

Content Strategy

A large part of projects on our platform involve content, whether that be documents, images, videos, or other information for end users. Where large volumes or varying types of content are required to be migrated or modified, a strategy should be identified. This strategy can include:

  • How content will be migrated or modified?
  • Is it possible to use a form of bulk-migration for large volumes of content?
  • What metadata associated to the content may be needed/useful

View Content Strategy for further information

User Journeys and Walkthroughs

User journeys and walkthroughs are essential tools in project planning, as they help in understanding and optimising the user experience (UX) and overall functionality of your intranet or platform updates.

A user journey is a visual representation of the steps a user takes to achieve a specific goal or complete a task within the intranet. It maps out the user's interactions and experiences from start to finish. They focus on the user's perspective, helping you design with the user's needs and goals in mind. User journeys reveal pain points, bottlenecks, or areas where users may struggle to accomplish their tasks, allowing you to address these issues proactively. 

A walkthrough is a step-by-step examination of the intranet's interface and functionality. They help identify usability issues, such as confusing navigation, unclear labels, or non-intuitive interactions, that might hinder user satisfaction and productivity. Conducting walkthroughs during the project planning phase allows for early detection and rectification of design or functionality problems, reducing the cost of fixing issues later in the development process. They ensure that the projects features and functionalities align with the project's objectives and user needs.

Project Launch Strategy

Creating a launch strategy for your new intranet, or updates to an existing site, is crucial to ensure that the changes are effectively communicated to all relevant end users. A well-thought-out launch strategy can help in several ways, including:

  1. Outlining engagement methods such as newsletters, webinars, workshops, and feedback sessions to involve end users in the process. 
  2. Detailing onboarding options by creating a user-friendly onboarding process that helps new users get acquainted with the intranet or site changes quickly.
  3. Offering training materials, tutorials, and resources to assist users in navigating the platform.
  4. Defining Future Job Roles/Areas of Responsibility:
    • Identifying the individuals or teams responsible for managing and maintaining the intranet or site post-launch.
    • Defining their roles and responsibilities, which may include content management, technical support, security, and user engagement.
  5. Identifying Feedback Mechanisms: Implementing feedback mechanisms to gather user input and suggestions for improvements. Creating a process for regularly reviewing and incorporating user feedback into updates and enhancements.
  6. Measuring Success: Setting key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the success of your intranet or site launch. Tracking metrics such as user adoption rates, engagement levels, and user satisfaction to gauge the effectiveness of the platform.
  7. Timelines and Milestones: Establishing a timeline for the launch, including specific milestones and deadlines. Ensuring that all necessary preparations, including content creation, technical configurations, and testing, are completed on time. 
  8. Training and Support: Offering training sessions and resources to help users make the most of the new intranet or site. Ensuring that there is a support system in place to address technical issues and user inquiries promptly.
  9. User Involvement: Involving end users in the planning and feedback processes to make them feel engaged and valued throughout the project.

 By carefully considering and implementing these elements in your launch strategy, you can increase the likelihood of a successful intranet or site deployment and ensure that it meets the needs of your organization and its users.

New Intranets


Using the basic branding of your company, we can start applying these colours to the base site. This will aid in identifying further customisation requirements.

Basic AD Authentication

Basic setup of Active Directory (AD) authentication on the base intranet will be enabled, starting with user's essential details:

  • email address
  • first name
  • last name

Visit Users and Authentication for more information

Identifying AD Authentication

Further aspects of the AD integration will also need to be confirmed, such as:

  • Organisation Groups on AD to sync
  • Integration method e.g. Azure AD or ADFS
  • Schema of user profile fields and existing AD fields

Download the Active Directory Authentications document for more information.

Establish Test Groups

Establish and notify the test group of users in preparation for the Alpha and Beta releases in the Contruct phase of the of project. Different users may make up the test groups for each release test. It is important that the test groups are notified and briefed about what is expected of them in the upcoming phase.