Sections and Pages

Block elements

What are block elements?

Block elements display content on a page, for example text, images, libraries, page titles and lists.

Edit an existing a block element

  • Click the pencil button next to the name of the block element you wish to edit
  • The edit popup for the block element opens - the edit popup will be different for each block element type
  • Edit and save

Add a new block element into an existing row and building block layout

  • Click the spanner button to the right of the row
  • The row editing buttons now display.  Select the newspaper button
  • Add newspaper buttons now appear at the top and bottom of each building block layout area
  • Select an add newpaper button to insert a new block element
    newspaper icon.jpg
  • Click the + Add block element buttonadd-block-element_2.jpg
  • The Block elements pop-up opens. Select the block element you wish to add e.g. text, image, pinned article list
  • block-elements_2.jpg
  • After the block elements pop-up closes, click the edit button for the block element you have just added

Add a new row and block element