Project Roadmap

Integrity of Content and Data

Integrate Intranet into Broader Processes

To maintain intranet data integrity, the intranet should be integrated as part of regular organisational processes. This can be achieved using the following methods:

  • KPIs for content managers
  • reviewing employee profiles during annual reviews
  • integrating within induction
  • providing protected time for content managers (ongoing Quality project)
  • providing training and support for content managers
  • transferring of ownership when employees leaving the organisation – if an employee is a content manager or content owner, article contact or article author, their content should be transferred to another employee on their departure


Maintain the integrity of Organisational Data

Organisational data is often overlooked and is generally only updated when there is a restructure. To avoid deterioration of your organisational data, consider the following:

  • Teams/Services/Department and Sites should be reviewed by the Intranet Team quarterly
  • functionality is set up so if a user cannot find the service, team, department, or site that they need, they can report the issue
  • internal contact details should not be written into text on a page – these details should only be in profiles (e.g., person profiles, team profiles etc.) and these linked to where details are required