Communication Tools

Publish article and send email notification

What is save, publish and mail?

A save, publish and mail notification is an email sent to users when an item of content is published.

It is sent to:

  • All email subscribers of the related section (true for both old and new permissions)
  • The author of the content (if the author and the logged-in user are different)
  • The contacts of the content (if activated in global settings)

How to generate a save, publish and mail email

Create content
  • Create a new item of content
  • Assign to a related section
  • Add contacts (if relevant)
  • Click the 'save, publish and email' button
Review email history
  • Go to Admin menu > Tools > Email History
  • Check emails sent

Setting up - advanced admins only

Content template
  • Workflow Buttons
    Buttons that can change the status as well as more complex workflow as needed. To edit these buttons for a template go to Admin > Article > Templates and click on ‘Buttons’ next to the appropriate template


Email templates
  • Customise #3 'Content published - notification - sent to related section followers - on 'save, publish & mail''
  • Customise #60 'Content published - notification - sent to contacts of the content - on 'save, publish & mail' (if activated in global settings)'
Global settings

The following settings allow customisation of the save, publish and mail process:

  • Confirm before save publish and mail
  • Send email to content object contacts
  • Save and publish auto email date created time range
  • Save, publish and mail - use email campaign tool