Sections and Pages

Sections - advanced customisation

What is section customisation?

The section customisation holds various settings invovled in the modification of the section. Once applied, these settings are rarely changed.  

Only advanced users should modify or apply changes to these settings.

How to access section customisation

To access the section customisation page:

  • Admin menu > Edit Page Customisation

Show/hide from lists

  • Showing the section in lists allows the section to be copied and used as a template.
  • Hiding the section does not allow it to be visible in lists such as related sections.

Look & Feel

  • Masterpage:  where the section stylings are applied. 
  • Sidebar: specify whether a sidebar is used and customizing it's navigation properties
  • Responsive: select if the section will be built using the responsive platform
  • Tabs: top horizontal navigation of pages. 

Parent Section

Parent sections are regular sections, except for one key difference: they are used as a head/leader in order to group together similar sections. These grouped sections, under their parent, form a subsite. Each subsite can have its own name, main menu and look and feel. 

Parent sections are used primarily to manage permissions for a group of sections. Importantly, we may want some users to see one subsite but not others. 


The key customisation setting you may need to use is the "Parent section" dropdown.

You can choose from all available sections on the site, but it will be obvious which parent section you need to choose.


Example of a parent section:  SmlWrld Help