What is the Manage Accounts Tool?
The tool contains a list of all users of any status.
Find users
It allows admins to browse, search, filter and find users:
- search for a user by first name, last name or email address
- filter the user list by:
- type (e.g. internal or external)
- account status (pending, deleted or published)
- security status (e.g. "Locked awaiting password reset)

Review and change user status and type
Once a user is selected an admin can:
- view the user's details (e.g. ID number, security status, last login date)
- change the user's status
- send a password reset email
- send a verification email
- changethe user's type (e.g. from internal to external)
Manage profiles and permissions
A selected user's account page also contains quick links to:
- their profile (edit or view page)
- their permissions/rights page