Engagement Series

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Intranet engagement formula Part 1 | Defining engagement
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As you can see the math’s is quite complex, but the principles are easy enough to understand…

Consider a hypothetical fully engaged intranet. How would it look?

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Here’s our vision.

This allows us to quantify engagement in terms of the total userbase and all possible forms of interaction.





Screenshot 2021-04-07 at 15.10.56.pngWe can split our engagement definition into two entities: Interest and Activity. 

The Interest concerns the visitors, how often they visit and how long they visit for. 

The Activity concerns the interactions which the visitors are making with the site.

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Intranet engagement formula Part 2 | Visualising engagement

_page content:
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Intranet engagement formula Part 1 | Defining engagement
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Intranet engagement formula Part 2 | Visualising engagement
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Intranet engagement Formula Part 3 | Modelling interest
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Intranet engagement formula Part 4 | Modelling activity
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Intranet engagement formula Part 5 | Summary
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Bridging the Intranet Adoption Chasm
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Accessible intranets – how is it done?
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Writing for the web
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