Subscriptions and Notifications

Users can subscribe to notifications in several ways:

1. They can subscribe to areas of interest. Any articles published that are related to those areas of interest would trigger a notification to the user
2. They can subscribe to groups, or sections. Similarly, any articles published within those areas would trigger a notification
3. Users can subscribe to specific newsletters, allowing recipient lists to be built (for example using the email newsletter tool (See previous response).

Notifications are delivered to the user in one (or more) of three ways:

1. Personalised news feeds – Each feed item is based around an action that another users has made in the site which is of relevance to the viewer.

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2. In-site notifications - a little red indicator shows alerts users to notifications when they are viewing the site.


3. Email notifications – fully branded, designed HTML emails notifying users of new content can be sent out, in addition to in-site notifications.

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It is up to each user to select the level of notifications they would like to receive for each notifiable event. In addition to “new content” notifications, there are many others which work in exactly the same way:

notification preference.png


SMLWRLD is a London-based SaaS intranet provider, with team members working around the globe. In addition to delivering seamless internal communications, knowledge management, collaboration and transactional tools, SMLWRLD intranets are a vital tool for businesses in their quest for sustainability, staff wellbeing and greater Corporate Social Responsibility.

To find out more, contact SMLWRLD Managing Director Dan Jones at or on +44 (0)207 502 3591.

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